Organise an Event

If you wish to organise an event in Gloucester, please get in touch with us on

Apply to organise an event

If you would like to hold an event in a park or open space owned by the council, you will need our permission. Please complete an Event Application Form and return it to us along with the following for consideration:

  • A risk assessment
  • A copy of your public liability insurance

You may find the following useful when planning your event:

Where can you organise an event

Anywhere outside on a public open space can be considered a possible event site. Some of our more popular locations include:

  • Gloucester City Centre
  • Gloucester Park
  • Kings Square
  • Robinswood Hill
  • Tuffley Park
  • Alney Island Nature Reserve
  • Hempsted Meadows
  • Plock Court

If you would like to discuss event locations, please contact the City Events team for more information:

Event licenses

As well as applying for site permission, if your event requires alcohol, music and dancing or outdoor entertainment, you may need to apply for a licence.

Street Parties

For a Street Party, you may need to apply for a road closure or licence. 

The City Events Group

The City Events Group meet on a monthly basis (or fortnightly during busier periods) to discuss and approve event applications. The team is made up of different council departments including: Festivals & Events, Asset Management, Environmental Health, City Centre Management, Open Spaces, Licensing and Health & Safety.

Please see the terms of reference for more information on the roles and responsibilities of members, the role of the group and their process for dealing with event enquiries

The Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

For larger events, we may need to consult with a larger Gloucester’s Safety Advisory Group (SAG) to ensure that events or gatherings of people can take place safely and with the knowledge of relevant agencies. You may also be required to attend a meeting as part of this process.

The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is made up of representatives from council teams and our partner agencies, including Gloucestershire County Council – Highways, Gloucestershire Constabulary and Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service.

Funding Opportunities

From time to time, Gloucester City Council opens up funding to organisations wishing to develop festivals and events in Gloucester. Either through the Outdoor Events Fund or the New Commissions and Project Fund. Check the Visit Gloucester funding opportunity webpages for details of any funding support for which you can apply.

Funding Opportunities - Visit Gloucester