Supplementary Planning Documents & Guides


Guides have been produced to help applicants and decision takers understand how the adopted policies are applied. They do not contain new policies.  

Houses in Multiple Occupation - A guide for applicants and decision takers (PDF, 1.6 MB) (last updated September 2023)

Gloucestershire Local Authority BNG Guide (PDF, 1.3 MB) (last updated February 2024)

Cotswold Beechwoods

Topic-based supplementary planning documents

The council has produced a number of topic-based Supplementary Planning Documents that have been adopted for the purposes of development control.

Matson and Podsmead Estate regeneration

Adoption Statement

Matson Estate Regeneration Supplementary Planning Document, November 2019 (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Podsmead Estate Regeneration Supplementary Planning Document, November 2019 (PDF, 23.8 MB)

These documents were adopted at the council meeting held on the 21 November 2019. 

Sustainable Drainage Design Guide 

Sustainable Drainage Design guide 2013  (PDF, 10.3 MB)

SPG 6: New housing and open space

SPG6 –New Housing and open space (PDF, 292 KB)

Public realm strategy

The public realm belongs to everyone, it is part of our everyday lives and it is where we move and meet on a daily basis. It is the places we pass through on our journeys and the spaces we use for outdoor activities and social interaction. Public realm shapes the image of the places we inhabit, it creates identity and distinctiveness and influences how others see us. Public realm comprises the streets, squares, parks, green spaces and other outdoor places that require no key to access them and are available, without charge for everyone to use. This document sets out a number of guiding principles which should be used to improve the public realm within the city centre. The strategy should be used not just when designing major redevelopment sites, but also in the day-today maintenance of the existing public realm with in the city Centre.

Interim adoption ‘Public Realm Strategy’ SPD (September 2017) (PDF, 3.9 MB)

Designing safer places

This document sets out the council's planning policy approach to designing safer places in Gloucester and forms a part of the emerging Local Plan for Gloucester. The document was subject to two periods of public consultation and has now been adopted as ‘interim planning guidance for the purposes of development control.

Interim adoption ‘Designing safer places’ SPD (August 2008) (PDF, 1.4 MB)

Heights of buildings

This document sets out the council's planning policy approach to the heights of buildings in new development in Gloucester and forms a part of the emerging Local Plan for Gloucester. The document was subject to two periods of public consultation and has now been adopted as ‘interim planning guidance for the purposes of development control.

Interim adoption ‘Heights of Buildings’ SPD (November 2008) (PDF, 3.2 MB)

Home extension guide

This document sets out the council's planning policy approach to home extensions and forms a part of the emerging Local Plan for Gloucester. The document was subject to two periods of public consultation and has now been adopted as ‘interim planning guidance for the purposes of development control.

Interim adoption ‘Home Extension Guide’ SPD (August 2008) (PDF, 879 KB)

Shopfront shutters and signage design guide

This shopfront design guide provides information on general design guidelines to be used during the design or alterations to Shopfronts within the city.

Most people recognise the importance of an attractive central shopping core to the city, in order to encourage tourism and provide an attractive environment for residents. A high standard of shopfront and advertising, construction and maintenance is one of the most effective ways of improving appearances and influencing peoples decisions. It can help to protect the history of our city, provide opportunity for innovative and imaginative design and can result in a more attractive, richly varied and prosperous environment for residents, traders, workers and visitors alike.

Adoption Statement

Shopfront Shutters and Signage Design Guide (November 2017) (PDF, 5.4 MB)

Waste minimisation in development projects (Gloucestershire County Council)

Waste Minimisation in Development Projects SPD (September 2006)

Planning Briefs & Concept Statements

The council has produced a number of concept statements and planning briefs for particular areas of Gloucester which have now been adopted as planning guidance.

Kings Quarter concept statement

The King's Quarter concept statement sets out the council's preferred approach to the development of the King's Quarter area of the city, which includes King's Square, the bus station, Market Parade, Spread Eagle Road and the immediate surrounding area. The overall aim of this statement is to facilitate the areas comprehensive regeneration, including a significant number of new shops, a new bus station and improved links to the wider city centre.

The King's Quarter concept statement was subject to a six week period of public consultation from Monday 19 March until Monday 30 April 2012.

Following this the statement was amended in light of consultation responses and subsequently adopted by the council in January 2013 as interim supplementary planning guidance for the purposes of development control.

Fleece Hotel concept statement

The Fleece Hotel concept statement sets out the council’s preferred approach to the development of the Fleece Hotel site in Gloucester. It seeks to ensure the repair, restoration and active reuse of the site, to create a vibrant urban space in the heart of the city centre, and sets out planning and urban design parameters and proposed uses for the site.

The concept statement was subject to a four week period of public consultation between 16 November and 14 December 2011. Following this, it was amended in light of consultation responses and subsequently adopted by the Council in February 2012 as interim planning guidance for the purposes of development control.

Fleece Hotel concept statement - Interim adoption (February 2012) (PDF, 10.8 MB)

Railway Corridor planning brief​​​

This Planning Brief sets out the Council's preferred approach for the development of the ‘Railway Corridor' area of the City, and forms part of the emerging Local Plan for Gloucester.

The Planning Brief was subject to three periods of public consultation and has now been adopted by the Council as 'interim planning guidance' for the purposes of development control.

The adopted Railway Corridor Planning Brief can be downloaded below:

Interim Adoption ‘Railway Corridor’ Planning Brief (March 2011) (PDF, 3.7 MB)

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) – small developments guide

This guide for developers and planners (PDF, 7.3 MB) was produced for the City Council by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust / Gloucestershire Centre for Environmental Records in March 2024.

It has three parts:

  1. Defining small development sites and their role in wider policy and BNG.
  2. Assessing the biodiversity value of small sites, and when and how to achieve mandatory BNG.
  3. Biodiversity interventions for small or very small sites, including non-mandatory enhancements.