Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding
Self-build and Custom Housebuilding is where the home is custom built to the individual's specification as opposed to being designed and built by a construction company to a standard specification for sale. Self build can offer an alternative to traditional home ownership and an opportunity to own a sustainable and high quality designed home.
Self build is where the individual partly or wholly controls the design, funding, planning and building of a home. This can involve building part or all of a home oneself or alternatively hiring a contractor to do the same. Self build housing can be built or commissioned by individuals (or groups of individuals) for their own occupation.
Register your interest
Gloucester City Council is committed to supporting both affordable and market housing and is working to make it easier for more people to build their own home.
The Self build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 places a duty on local authorities to create a register of individuals and associations/groups who have expressed an interest in Self-build and Custom Build projects and are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in the Gloucester City authority area, to build a home.
The Council maintains a self-build / custom-build register to collect valuable information on the demand for self-build and custom-build housing in Gloucester and help provide information to those who are interested. You can view the summary of the Self Build Custom Build Register.
To join the self and custom build register you need to meet all the following eligibility criteria -this applies to individuals looking to take on a project or each individual in a group or association:
- You are aged 18 or over
- You are a British Citizen, a national of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland
- You are looking to acquire a serviced plot of land in Gloucester City authority area to build a house to live in as your main residence.
A 'serviced plot of land' means a plot that has access to a public highway and connections for electricity, water and waste water.
Local Authorities are permitted to set additional criteria for entry on the Register called 'local eligibility conditions'. Those that meet the above eligibility criteria and have a 'Local Connection' to Gloucester City will be eligible for entry into Part 1 of our Register. Those that don't have a local connection but still satisfy the above basic criteria will be entered into Part 2 of the Register.
You may have a local connection to Gloucester City if:
- you have lived in the area for the last six months or more
- you have previously lived in an area for three out of the last five years
- you have permanent (not seasonal or temporary) employment in an area
- you have family members (parents, siblings or children) who have lived in the area for the last five years
- any person in the service (or the immediate preceding five years) of the regular armed forces of the Crown
These criteria are taken from the Self-Build & Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016.
If you would like to register an interest in Self-build in Gloucester, please complete the online registration form. The Council will respond to you within 28 days of the date of your application.
Individuals who wish to register as an association must appoint a member or officer to act as the lead contact for the purpose of correspondence between the group/association and the Council. The Council will reply upon the information submitted to determine whether an applicant is eligible for entry on to the register.
Please note that you are just registering your interest in building your own home in Gloucester City and it does not guarantee a plot of land or planning approval for a scheme in Gloucester City. If you have any problems registering please email .
Sources of help, advice and funding
For help finding what type of self build is best for you and your budget visit the:
- Self Build Portal
- The Custom and Self Build Toolkit
- The National Custom and Self Build Association
- Planning Portal website
If you are a private sector organisation interested in Self-build and Custom housebuilding you may be eligible to apply for loan funding from the Home Building Fund. The Home building Fund is open to small builders, community builders, custom builders and regeneration specialists. Visit the website for more information
If you are interested in Self build shared ownership and working with a Registered Provider, please visit the Homes and Communities Agency website for further information:
If you are looking for a building plot visit:
- Self Build Portal
- Build Store plot search
- Plot browser
- Gloucestershire County Council also publicise property for let and sale