What is a breach of planning?
The potential breaches of planning that we investigate include:
- Building works without planning permission
- Unauthorised use of buildings or land use, eg where the use of the building/land has changed such that it is materially different from what it was before, and planning permission has not been granted
- Not building in accordance with the approved plans that form part of a planning permission
- Breach of condition after planning permission has been granted
- Unauthorised engineering operations, such as the creation of earth bunds
- An untidy site,
- Failure to comply with a Section 106 Agreement or other legal obligation
- The display of some types of advertisements
- Works to a listed building without listed building consent
- Unauthorised works to trees with a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or in Conservation Area
- Removal of a protected hedgerow
What is not a breach of planning?
Issues that are not considered breaches include:
- Obstruction of a highway or public right of way
- Parking of vehicles on the highway or on grass verges
- Parking caravans on residential driveways
- Land ownership disputes or trespass issues
- Covenants imposed on property Deeds
- Internal works to an unlisted building