30 - 44 Northgate Street 21/01323/FUL
Existing Plans
Existing Plans 1 of 3 (PDF, 13.8 MB)
Existing Plans 2 of 3 (PDF, 4.7 MB)
Existing Plans 3 of 3 (PDF, 3.4 MB)
Proposed Plans
Proposed Plans 1 of 2 (PDF, 12.9 MB)
Proposed Plans 2 of 2 (PDF, 16 MB)
Supporting Information
Application From (PDF, 39.3 KB)
Planning Statement (PDF, 386.6 KB)
Appendix B - Design Access Statement (PDF, 27.8 MB)
Appendix C - Heritage Appraisal (PDF, 19.2 MB)
Appendix D - Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (PDF, 7.1 MB)
Appendix E - Drainage Statement (PDF, 3.7 MB)
Appendix F - Transport Statement (PDF, 8.5 MB)
Appendix G - Travel Plan (PDF, 1 MB)
Appendix H - Ecological Impact Assessment (PDF, 7.8 MB)
Appendix I - Noise Assessment for Planning (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Appendix J - External Lighting Assessment (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Appendix K - Air Quality Assessment (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Appendix L - Geotechnical (PDF, 28.1 MB)
Appendix M - Ventilation Statement (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Appendix N - Energy Statement (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Appendix O - Waste Minimisation Statement (PDF, 161.8 KB)
Amended Plans and Additional Information
Design and Access Statement (PDF, 25.3 MB)