Planning applications FAQs


The decision process

Once we have received your application, we will make sure we have all the details we need. You can view what is needed to validate an application by using our validation checklists.

We will then send or your agent an acknowledgement letter or email, this will provide a date by which we aim to issue a decision, the name of the planning officer and the application number. In most cases we will contact neighbours likely to be affected by the proposal and provide them with the opportunity to comment on the proposals. We may also put up a site or press notice if required by planning law.

Technical consultees may be required to comment on applications, for example Highways, Historic England, Environment Agency, Severn Trent, etc.

If we need more information, we will write to your planning agent (if you have one). An application will be returned if we do not receive the necessary information within the required timescale.

The Planning Officer may require more information or request changes to the application.

The Planning Officer will assess the application. They will write a summary report which includes a recommendation based on:

  • Local Plan policy;
  • Government guidance;
  • Planning history;
  • Any potential detrimental impacts as a result of the development e.g. unacceptable loss of light, privacy or outlook for neighbouring properties;
  • Comments from technical consultees;
  • Comments from neighbours.

Once we have received your application, we will make sure we have all the details we need. You can view what is needed to validate an application by using our validation checklists.

We will then send or your agent an acknowledgement letter or email, this will provide a date by which we aim to issue a decision, the name of the planning officer and the application number. In most cases we will contact neighbours likely to be affected by the proposal and provide them with the opportunity to comment on the proposals. We may also put up a site or press notice if required by planning law.

Technical consultees may be required to comment on applications, for example Highways, Historic England, Environment Agency, Severn Trent, etc.

If we need more information, we will write to your planning agent (if you have one). An application will be returned if we do not receive the necessary information within the required timescale.

The Planning Officer may require more information or request changes to the application.

The Planning Officer will assess the application. They will write a summary report which includes a recommendation based on:

  • Local Plan policy;
  • Government guidance;
  • Planning history;
  • Any potential detrimental impacts as a result of the development e.g. unacceptable loss of light, privacy or outlook for neighbouring properties;
  • Comments from technical consultees;
  • Comments from neighbours.

Once a householder application has been validated, you will normally get a decision within eight weeks. This is dependent on officers’ workload, consultee responses, amendments and correspondence with planning agents and architects. Where possible, the council will ask for amendments to address any concerns. In these cases, an extension of time will be required and it is unlikely that a decision will be made within 8 weeks.

The statutory time for determination of major applications is 13 weeks or 16 weeks if an environmental impact assessment has been submitted. However, similar to householder applications, where possible, the council will ask for amendments to address any concerns. In these cases, an extension of time will be required and it is unlikely that a decision will be made within 13 or 16 weeks.

Once a householder application has been validated, you will normally get a decision within eight weeks. This is dependent on officers’ workload, consultee responses, amendments and correspondence with planning agents and architects. Where possible, the council will ask for amendments to address any concerns. In these cases, an extension of time will be required and it is unlikely that a decision will be made within 8 weeks.

The statutory time for determination of major applications is 13 weeks or 16 weeks if an environmental impact assessment has been submitted. However, similar to householder applications, where possible, the council will ask for amendments to address any concerns. In these cases, an extension of time will be required and it is unlikely that a decision will be made within 13 or 16 weeks.

Adjoining neighbours must be consulted on applications. In addition to neighbours, technical consultees may be required to comment on applications, for example Historic England, Severn Trent, Highways etc. All comments received will be considered before making a decision on an application.

Adjoining neighbours must be consulted on applications. In addition to neighbours, technical consultees may be required to comment on applications, for example Historic England, Severn Trent, Highways etc. All comments received will be considered before making a decision on an application.

The Council will normally only send letters to adjoining neighbours to the application site. Some applications require additional neighbours to be notified. You do not have to receive a letter to comment on the application. This can be done on our website.

The Council will normally only send letters to adjoining neighbours to the application site. Some applications require additional neighbours to be notified. You do not have to receive a letter to comment on the application. This can be done on our website.

If you have concerns about a planning application and wish to comment, the Planning Officer will consider material considerations. The Planning Portal has guidance on what is considered a material planning consideration.

If you have concerns about a planning application and wish to comment, the Planning Officer will consider material considerations. The Planning Portal has guidance on what is considered a material planning consideration.

Neighbors have 21 days to comment on planning applications. You will also have 21 days to comment on an application online.

Neighbors have 21 days to comment on planning applications. You will also have 21 days to comment on an application online.

We guarantee that all relevant comments received within 21 days will be considered as part of the planning application process.

We guarantee that all relevant comments received within 21 days will be considered as part of the planning application process.

For most types of applications the Planning Officer assigned to your application will need to carry out a site visit in order to carry out an appraisal. The Planning Authority will contact the person stated in the application form.

For most types of applications the Planning Officer assigned to your application will need to carry out a site visit in order to carry out an appraisal. The Planning Authority will contact the person stated in the application form.

The Council is required to make decisions on applications in accordance with the Development plan.

There are also supplementary documents that are taken into consideration, these can be viewed on Planning Policy.

The Council is required to make decisions on applications in accordance with the Development plan.

There are also supplementary documents that are taken into consideration, these can be viewed on Planning Policy.

If a planning application is to be determined at committee, the application will be published 5 working days before the date of the meeting. Please see our Planning Committee Agendas.

All ‘interested parties’ are advised when an application is going to Planning Committee, approximately a week before the committee meeting. The interested parties are the applicant or their agent and all people who have made written representations about the proposal.

Members of the public can attend Planning Committees and arrangements for public speaking are set out the Planning Committee Public Speaking Leaflet (PDF, 44.4 KB).

At Planning Committee the Planning Officer will present the application and state the reasons for their recommendation. Further information on what happens at Planning Committee is available here.

If a planning application is to be determined at committee, the application will be published 5 working days before the date of the meeting. Please see our Planning Committee Agendas.

All ‘interested parties’ are advised when an application is going to Planning Committee, approximately a week before the committee meeting. The interested parties are the applicant or their agent and all people who have made written representations about the proposal.

Members of the public can attend Planning Committees and arrangements for public speaking are set out the Planning Committee Public Speaking Leaflet (PDF, 44.4 KB).

At Planning Committee the Planning Officer will present the application and state the reasons for their recommendation. Further information on what happens at Planning Committee is available here.


Post decision

In most cases, you will have three years in which to start the development for which permission is granted. We strongly advise that you check any conditions attached to your permission, and comply with them before you proceed. Some conditions require discharging before development can start. Any changes to your plans are likely to require a further application. More information is available on the National Planning Practice Guidance website.

Further consent may also be required for works to listed buildings or works in conservation areas.

In most cases, you will have three years in which to start the development for which permission is granted. We strongly advise that you check any conditions attached to your permission, and comply with them before you proceed. Some conditions require discharging before development can start. Any changes to your plans are likely to require a further application. More information is available on the National Planning Practice Guidance website.

Further consent may also be required for works to listed buildings or works in conservation areas.

Applicants can appeal to the Secretary of State within 8 weeks of the date of the decision for advertisements, 12 weeks for householder proposals or six months in most other cases. The Planning Inspectorate provide further information on appeals:

Making an Appeal

Applicants can appeal to the Secretary of State within 8 weeks of the date of the decision for advertisements, 12 weeks for householder proposals or six months in most other cases. The Planning Inspectorate provide further information on appeals:

Making an Appeal


Permitted development

Some minor works can be carried out without applying for planning permission. These are known as permitted development rights.

See the planning portal for extensive information on permitted development rights: Do you need permission?

The Government has also prepared a helpful document: technical guidance for householder permitted development rights.

Some of your permitted development rights may have been withdrawn. Check the planning history of your property before undertaking any works. Permitted development rights might have been removed on the original planning permission for your house.

Permitted development rights may be different in a conservation area. Details of conservation area boundaries are available in the “Conservation Area Appraisal and Management” documents available here.

Permitted development rights may also be different for a listed building. Check whether your property is listed here.

Some minor works can be carried out without applying for planning permission. These are known as permitted development rights.

See the planning portal for extensive information on permitted development rights: Do you need permission?

The Government has also prepared a helpful document: technical guidance for householder permitted development rights.

Some of your permitted development rights may have been withdrawn. Check the planning history of your property before undertaking any works. Permitted development rights might have been removed on the original planning permission for your house.

Permitted development rights may be different in a conservation area. Details of conservation area boundaries are available in the “Conservation Area Appraisal and Management” documents available here.

Permitted development rights may also be different for a listed building. Check whether your property is listed here.

For guidance on whether you require permission to repair or replace windows or door, please see the Planning Portal windows and doors.

For guidance on whether you require permission to repair or replace windows or door, please see the Planning Portal windows and doors.

You can find the permitted use of a site by requesting Pre-application advice.

You can find the permitted use of a site by requesting Pre-application advice.

The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) puts uses of land and buildings into various categories known as 'Use Classes'. It is likely that permission would be required to change from one use to another.

The Planning Portal provides detailed guidance on use classes and what requires planning permission. Change of Use.

The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) puts uses of land and buildings into various categories known as 'Use Classes'. It is likely that permission would be required to change from one use to another.

The Planning Portal provides detailed guidance on use classes and what requires planning permission. Change of Use.

Your neighbour may have not needed planning permission under permitted development. Please see link for further information on permitted development.

See link for  information on the failure to obtain or comply with planning permission.

Further information on how the Council deals with works undertaken without the necessary planning permission is available on our website.

Your neighbour may have not needed planning permission under permitted development. Please see link for further information on permitted development.

See link for  information on the failure to obtain or comply with planning permission.

Further information on how the Council deals with works undertaken without the necessary planning permission is available on our website.


Dropped kerbs and hard surfaces within a garden

You will need to contact us in the whether you live on a classified road or not.

If the access or dropped kerb is on a classified road it will require an application for planning permission.

If the access or dropped kerb is not on a classified road it is dealt with under Pre-application advice.

You will need to contact us in the whether you live on a classified road or not.

If the access or dropped kerb is on a classified road it will require an application for planning permission.

If the access or dropped kerb is not on a classified road it is dealt with under Pre-application advice.