New car parking system set to save over £100,000

Gloucester City Council is set to bring the management of its car parks back into the council, saving taxpayers over £100,000 annually.

Councillors gave their backing at this month's cabinet to a plan which will see management of the Kings Walk and Eastgate car parks brought back in-house.

The decision follows a review that looked at the need to replace the system that motorists currently use to pay for their car parking.

The council considered a range of options and is set to invest in eight new Pay and Display machines allowing it to bring management of the car parks back into the council.

The scheme would see savings of around £70,000 in the first year and £115,000 in the following years.

It would also allow users to use apps like MiPermit to extend their stay and even pre-book their stay or order parking permits.

Councillor Declan Wilson, deputy leader and Cabinet Member for Resources at Gloucester City Council, said: “This has the potential to make it easier for shoppers to visit our city and allow them to spend more time enjoying the shops and restaurants when they do. Not only will it bring our car parks up to date but will also allow us to save money which could be better spent elsewhere.”