Gloucester to unveil COVID-19 Memorial for National Day of Reflection

Representatives from Gloucester City Council, along with invited guests, will come together at the unveiling to mark the fifth anniversary of the pandemic and to remember and reflect on this unique period of history.
The memorial near the Spa Road entrance, features eight trees surrounding a plaque, each representing a group of key workers who provided essential services
Tributes will be led by the Mayor of Gloucester, Councillor Lorraine Campbell and those gathered will hear a reading of the poem Only Human by Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, created to mark the National Day of Reflection.
The National Day of Reflection on March 9, is one of the ten recommendations set out by the UK Commission on Covid Commemoration.
The day will be for people to remember and commemorate those who lost their lives during the pandemic, reflect on the sacrifices made and the continuing impact on our daily lives.
The day will also pay tribute to the work of health and social care staff, frontline workers, researchers and all those who volunteered and showed acts of kindness during this unprecedented time.
Councillor Caroline Courtney, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure at Gloucester City Council, said: “Covid touched all our lives and most of us are still struggling with the immense impact it had and continues to have, whether it’s in terms of loved ones we lost, long-term health issues, or even the huge mental health challenges it presented. The significance of what happened should never be forgotten along with the dedication and bravery shown by those who put themselves in harm’s way to help people who needed them.”
Everyone is welcome to attend the memorial which starts at 11am.