Funding announced to support growth and investment in Gloucester

Gloucester City Council has announced that 14 schemes will receive a share of £486,000, the city’s third allocation from the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
In total Gloucester has received £1.97m from the UKSPF after the council submitted an investment plan identifying the challenges and opportunities facing the city.
The funding has been allocated to projects which support growth and investment.
They include a new master plan set to unlock areas of potential for prospective investors and developers, in a move to plan long-term for Gloucester’s growth.
It will consider the challenges facing the city in areas such as lower Eastgate Street, and how the council and its partners can spread the benefits from the huge regeneration taking place in schemes such as Kings Quarter.
The 13 other projects that will receive funding include an Employment Skills Programme to help people into employment and training and a project with universities to attract more students and encourage them to stay after graduating.
The projects that will receive funding are:
- Supporting young entrepreneurs to set up businesses in empty city centre properties.
- City centre wayfinding signage to make the city more attractive and easier to get around for visitors and residents.
- Gardening team to improve small green spaces to help attract visitors and tourists.
- Advice and support for start-ups and small businesses at Gloucester's Growth Hub.
- Scheme to address empty shops by helping cultural and arts organisations to run pop-ups to encourage visitors.
- Support for those who struggle to access or use digital technology.
- Project looking at attracting students to Gloucester then strengthening cultural and employment links so that they stay here after graduating.
- Development of a major celebratory cultural programme to mark the 200th anniversary of the Gloucester Docks.
- Funding for Gloucester Nature Park transforming undeveloped land along the River Severn into a thriving nature park.
- Future vision for the Museum of Gloucester to be developed by a new Citizens Jury.
- A new Cultural Strategy for the city looking at how to grow the city’s cultural and creative sector.
- Improving city centre shop fronts.
- Master plan for the city promoting future investment and development.
Councillor Jeremy Hilton, leader of Gloucester City Council, said: “Helping our city to grow and boosting our local economy is one of our key priorities. This funding not only allows us to identify how we can draw in more investment but also helps more people to make the most of those opportunities.”