Council Set to Send Message to Rogue Landlords and Agents

The cabinet met yesterday and backed tougher penalties for landlords who don’t look after their properties.
The plans include moves to give landlords who fail to manage HMO properties correctly, shorter 12 month HMO licences rather than the standard five years.
The council is also set to introduce fines for landlords where homes don’t meet energy efficiency standards and whose Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating is below an E.
Homes with low EPC ratings take longer to warm up and lose heat quicker, meaning energy bills can be higher and residents are exposed to cold related illnesses.
Landlords whose properties fail electrical safety standards could be fined up to £30,000 and those who don’t install sufficient carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, up to £5,000.
Reduced payment offers for those who pay the penalty fines early have also been removed.
Research shows that the quality of housing is closely related to people’s health and wellbeing.
In Gloucester almost 30 percent of homes are rented.
The council supports landlords through the Landlord Incentive Scheme which matches landlords and prospective tenants and assists them throughout the tenancy.
It’s Private Sector Housing service (PSH) works to protect residents affected by low quality housing, poor property management and the minority of landlords who don’t look after their properties.
It works to educate landlords about their responsibilities and can provide advice and support but can also to take action through the courts as a last resort.
Councillor Stephanie Chambers, cabinet member for Planning and Housing Strategy at Gloucester City Council, said: “Poor housing can have a huge effect on people’s lives and can severely affect their health. While the majority of landlords maintain their properties there is a small minority who think that the rules don’t apply to them. We hope that this will send a message that not meeting the regulations could cost you a lot more in the long run so now is the time to act.”
Tenants who are concerned about their property and or worried they’re at risk of eviction should contact or customer services on 01452 396396. Landlords who would like more information about the Landlord Incentive Scheme can email More information Housing - Gloucester City Council