Have your say on future developments in Gloucester

The SCI determines how and when the council will involve local groups, organisations and residents in the planning process.
It also guides consultation around planning policies and documents, such as the Local Plan, and how residents are involved in deciding on new applications.
The statement also outlines what support the council will give to communities who want to do their own neighbourhood development plan.
Anyone who lives, works or studies in Gloucester, or has an interest in how the city develops is invited to take part in the consultation that runs until Tuesday, August 1.
Councillor Stephanie Chambers, Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, said: “We know local people are passionate about their city and are keen to have their say on how planning applications are decided. We want to hear their views about how we consult with communities and how we involve residents in the decisions that affect Gloucester. I would particularly like to encourage young people in our city to tell us how they would like to engage on shaping the city’s future.”
The SCI can be viewed here (PDF, 412.7 KB) however, it’s not necessary to read the document to have your say.
Take part in the consultation here or email your views to: cityplan@gloucester.gov.uk
Alternatively write to: Planning Policy, Gloucester City Council PO Box 3252, Gloucester, GL1 9FW
If you would like a paper copy of the survey to complete, or you need any help submitting your comments please get in touch via email or telephone 01452 396 396 and ask for planning policy.