Crack down on fly-tipping and littering

The FPNs were issued by the council’s Enviro-crime Team, launched last year to help combat environmental offences and 3GS, who tackle issues in the city centre on behalf of the council.
Where fines were not paid, 224 prosecutions were made for various offences such as littering and fly-tipping.
Following new legislation, 3GS are preparing to begin issuing fines against motorists who drop rubbish from moving vehicles.
The council is also looking at options to address street peddlars in the city following complaints from businesses.
Last year the council collected 133 tonnes of fly tipped waste and receives around 350 complaints about waste annually.
The council’s own Enviro-crime Team responds to any reports of fly tipping. In addition, the team carries out preventative engagement work and has been successfully engaging with residents in Barton and Tredworth to help reduce waste related issues.
The team has worked with around 2,000 households to let them know more about recycling and how to dispose of their waste correctly as well as issuing FPNs where problems have persisted.
It has secured six extra CCTV cameras to add to the three already in operation, to be used in hotspot areas around the city to catch fly-tippers.
Councillor Richard Cook, Leader of the council, said: “Offences such as fly-tipping and littering are a blight on people’s lives and harm the appearance of our communities. This is one of our key priorities and we hope the work that we are doing sends out a clear message that action will be taken against those responsible, including going to court if fines are unpaid.”