Other Highway Licences
You will require permission for the items listed below if placed on the public highway. The "highway" includes grass verges and footways.
- Advertising Boards (A Boards)
- Table & Chairs, Planters (DOCX, 44.2 KB)
- Street Entertainers (PDF, 3.5 KB)
Application forms can be found by clicking on the appropriate word above. All of the above license application forms are in Adobe Acrobat format (pdf). Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded here.
Skips, scaffolding on the Highway
For Skips, Scaffolding and Hoarding licences, please contact Gloucestershire County Council Highways, by emailing the Highways Customer and Emergency Services Team at; highways@gloucestershire.gov.uk.
For any other queries about items on the highway please contact the City Council on (01452) 396396 or email heretohelp@gloucester.gov.uk. For Temporary Road Closure application forms please contact Amey GCC Highways Highways Customer and Emergency Services Team at; highways@gloucestershire.gov.uk.