Charity Collections
Street collections
Street Collections are governed by the Police, Factories etc. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916. The model street collection regulations contained within the Charitable Collections (Transitional Provisions) Order 1974 have been adopted by the Council. These regulate the times and ways in which collections in a street take place.
If you wish to collect money or sell related articles for any charitable cause in any street you will require a permit to do so.
If you want to collect money inside a building, such as a shopping centre, then you don’t need a permit, but you will need permission of the owner.
The street collection permit is free.
Street Collection regulations (PDF, 646.4 KB)
The council has the power to decide how many of these licences are actually granted in a year. Any breach of the regulations is a criminal offence and the person concerned can be liable to a fine not exceeding £200.
Application for a permit shall be made in writing no later than one month before the date on which it is proposed to make the collection.
Provided that the Council may reduce the period of one month if satisfied that there are special reasons for so doing.
No collection shall be made except upon the day and between the hours stated in the permit.
2 Hour transitory permits may be issued for charity events that are passing through the City i.e. sponsored walks etc. applications for theses permits must detail the route to be taken (and take into account the pedestrianised areas if a vehicle is involved).
If you require any further information concerning the above please contact Business Support.
House to house collections
House to house collection licences are issued under the House to House collections Act 1939, under the regulations of 1947 (as amended).
There are two types of house to house collection –
- Those that have an exemption certificate from the Home Office
- Those licensed by the local authority.
If you wish to make charitable collections (money or goods) on a house to house basis within any locality within Gloucester City you will need a licence from the Council. The only exemption from this is for certain nationally recognised charities that hold a Home Office exemption certificate.
Those with exemption certificates should simply write and tell us when they are collecting and the details will be recorded in the diary.
For those applying for a licence, we check how many other collections are booked during the period requested / lesser known charities will be asked to send information about their organisation together with a copy of their last available statement of accounts.
When the application form is returned with any information requested, and provided this is satisfactory, we issue a licence and a certificate, together with a form for detailing the returns.
If you require any further information concerning the above please contact the Business Support Team.