Report a Food Hygiene Issue
We deal with food hygiene issues in Gloucester city. If your complaint is about a food establishment outside Gloucester, please contact the relevant local authority.
Complaints about unhygienic premises or practices
Complaints about unhygienic premises and poor hygiene practices are investigated on behalf of members of the public. If the premises or practices are found to be unsatisfactory, informal or formal action can be taken on behalf of the complainant.
Complaints about food bought in Gloucester City
If you've bought food, or are served food, which you're not happy with, the Food Safety Team may be able to help. Officers respond to complaints about food purchased in the Gloucester city area. Informal or formal action can be taken on behalf of the complainant. You may remain anonymous, but please note that we are unable to take formal action without your name and address.
Who to contact
Environmental Health | Trading Standards |
If you've a complaint about:
If you've a complaint about:
How to report to Environmental Health
Online is the quickest way to report a food problem.
Other ways to report
Phone us on 01452 396 396
What to do
If the complaint relates to food which is perishable:
- Ensure that it's kept intact in the original wrapping or container
- Chilled food - ensure that it remains chilled
- Frozen food - ensure that it remains frozen
General advice
- Keep all packaging and labels
- Keep the receipt
- If there is any object or mould in or on the food, do not disturb it
- Always handle the food with care and if contaminated, store well away from other food
If the food is accepted by Environmental Health a factsheet (PDF, 34 KB) will be issued explaining how the complaint will be dealt with.
What to do if you think you have an infectious disease or food poisoning
- If you have symptoms such as persistent diarrhoea and vomiting, the first step is to consult your GP. The GP may ask for a faecal (stool) sample to be submitted for analysis. If a food poisoning organism is found the GP has a legal duty to inform the Environmental Health Department who will then contact you either by letter or telephone to ask a few questions about what you have eaten and where you have been recently.
- If you're fairly sure of the source of your illness please contact the Environmental Health Department immediately as investigations will need to commence.
- Refrigerate/freeze any foods suspected of having caused illness. They may be needed for further analysis to determine what caused your illness.
- As far as possible do not handle or prepare food while you have symptoms
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water before handling food.
- If you work in the food industry, school or care establishment notify your employer and do not return to work until 48 hours after symptoms have ceased. We would also recommend you submit a faecal specimen to ensure you are clear from infection before returning to work.
GP’s are required to notify the Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC) of a number of infectious diseases. These include a range of diseases carried in food such as Salmonella, E.Coli and Campylobacter. The Food Team work with the CCDC to investigate food borne infections, whether it is an isolated case, an outbreak, for example, a school or care establishment, or a suspected outbreak from an event such as a wedding party meal or buffet. The aim is to establish where the patient may have caught the infection and to ensure that they do not pass the infection on to others.
Download a factsheet
Viral Hepatitis (PDF, 62.1 KB)
Cryptosporidium (PDF, 61.1 KB)
Clostridium Difficile (PDF, 60.9 KB)
If it's likely that the infection/food poisoning may have arisen from a food premises in the Gloucester city area the matter will be investigated. If it's thought that the infection/food poisoning was contracted outside the Gloucester city area the appropriate local authority will be notified.
If you need any further information concerning the above please contact the Environmental Health Team
What happens after I report an issue?
We carry out a thorough inspection of the food establishment and look at the condition of the food rooms, assess food hygiene practices, take temperature recordings and samples of food for examination. We also check that paperwork is up to date.
The investigating officer will discuss the findings with you, as the complainant, and advise you if further legal action will be taken.
Will I get compensation?
Our priority is public health so we cannot act on your behalf to claim compensation. You may take private action and seek independent advice.