Premises Management

Making a representation

Unless it is a simple conversion of an existing licence the applicant must notify all relevant responsible authorities e.g. police, fire safety of their application and furthermore must advertise their application. Any responsible authority or interested party may make a representation against the application. Click on links below to download a representation form.

Premises Licence and Club Premises Certificate Reviews

A Responsible Authority or an Interested party may apply to the Licensing Authority for a review of a premises licence, where there is evidence that the licensable activities are impacting on one or more of the licensing objectives

Apply to transfer a premises licence

To transfer a premises licence to you from the existing licence holder, you must apply to formally amend the licence.

Application fee

The application fee is £23.00.

You may also need to enclose the following:

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes. The application may take effect immediately or on a date specified in the application form and revised premises licence and licence summary will be issued to you.
If the chief officer of police for the area where the premises is situated is satisfied that the exceptional circumstances of the case are such that granting the application would undermine the crime prevention objective, he must give a notice of this to the Licensing Authority within 14 days. We will then hold a hearing to determine the notice given by the police.

Designated premises supervisor variation or removal

A premises licence where the sale or supply of alcohol is an activity must specify in the licence a named person to be known as the designated premises supervisor. This person must hold a personal licence and be responsible for the day to day running of the premises. If there is no designated premises supervisor for such a premises it will be unlawful to sell or supply alcohol.

Changing the DPS

Only the premises licence holder can apply to vary the person named for the role of DPS. In addition, the nominated person must sign a consent form which must be submitted with the application, otherwise your application will not be valid.

Application fee

The application fee is £23.00.

Relinquishing the role of DPS

If you no longer wish to carry out the role of DPS but an application to vary the license has not been made, you can request that your name is removed from the licence.

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes. The application may take effect immediately or on a date specified in the application form and revised premises licence and licence summary will be issued to you.
If the Chief Officer of Police for the area where the premises is situated is satisfied that the exceptional circumstances of the case are such that granting the application would undermine the crime prevention objective, he must give a notice of this to the Licensing Authority within 14 days. The Licensing Authority will then hold a hearing to determine the notice given by the police.

Notification of an interest in premises

If you have an interest in a premises under the 2003 Act you can apply to the appropriate Licensing Authority to be kept informed of any changes to the register of premises kept in accordance with section 8 of the Act. This notice has effect for a period of 12 months beginning the day it is received by the Licensing Authority.

Application fee

The application fee is £21.00.

Interim Authority Notice

An Interim Authority Notice must be submitted if a holder of a premises licence dies, becomes insolvent or becomes mentally incapable. An Interim Authority Notice will allow premises to trade until the licence can be transferred.

Application fee

The application fee is £23.00.

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period, which is subject to the submission of all information required. The timescale is 20 days after receipt of a valid application.

Apply for a Provisional Statement

A provisional statement provides applicants with a means of establishing whether a premises that is being or about to be constructed or substantially altered for the provision of licensable activities would be granted a premise licence after building works are complete. This gives applicants an idea whether or not the proposed business is viable before investing significant amounts of money.

Application fee

The application fee is £315.00.

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes. After the 28 day consultation period has expired if no representations have been received from Responsible Authorities or interested parties, then the licence is granted as applied for. The licence will be issued to you shortly after.
If there is a representation from a Responsible Authority or interested party then this will cause the application to be considered by the Licensing Sub Committee. A hearing will be arranged within 56 days from the date the application is made.

Licensing Act Fees

For information regarding fees (PDF, 208.8 KB)

Completed forms should be submitted to:

The Licensing Team
Gloucester City Council
Eastgate Management Suite
Eastgate Street

Phone: 01452 396 396