Apply for a Zoo Licence

A zoo is defined in the Act as being “an establishment where wild animals are kept for exhibition to which members of the public have access, with or without charge for admission, on more than seven days in any period of twelve consecutive months”. The Act does not extend to circuses or pet shops, both of which are covered by other legislation.

How to apply

Applicants for a Zoo Licence must give two months notice of their intention to apply giving details of the proposed zoo. A notice must be published in one local and one national newspaper, and displayed on site. The notice must also be sent to the District Council in order for it to be available for public inspection at the Council Offices during normal office hours.

When we have received your application and fee we will arrange to carry out the relevant inspections to make sure your premises meet the required standards.

When the consultation and inspection process has been completed, consideration of whether a Zoo Licence can be granted or not will be possible. Any representations from interested parties will be taken into consideration and, if necessary, the application may be reported to the Council’s Licensing Committee for determination. In the event that the application is referred to the Licensing Committee, the applicant will be provided with all the necessary papers and invited to attend the meeting in order to present his or her proposals.



  • The fee to grant a licence is £414.
  • The fee to renew a licence is £414​.

You will also need to pay a veterinary inspection fee.

You can:

  • send a cheque,made payable to Gloucester City Council.
  • pay online if you have an invoice 
  • pay by phone 01452 396 727 if you do not have an invoice but you would like to make an electronic payment 


Guidance notes

You can view further guidance here