New Affordable Housing

Are you on the waiting list for affordable housing? 


Did you know... New homes are being built in Tewkesbury Borough that Gloucester City HomeseekerPlus applicants can bid on?


If you're not on the waiting list for affordable housing you can register on the HomeseekerPlus website to see if you are eligible to bid on the new homes.

New affordable homes 

We've partnered with Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Borough councils to deliver new homes in Tewkesbury Borough that are outside of the Gloucester City boundary.

Gloucester applicants on HomeseekerPlus can bid for these new properties and will have an equal chance even without a local connection. 

The first of these homes are at Perrybrook, Brockworth but look out for more coming soon in Innsworth and Pirton Fields.

Check out the adverts on HomeseekerPlus for more details! 

Below are some useful links to the developments

What is affordable housing? 

Affordable housing is low cost housing for people who cannot afford to rent or buy in the usual way. All affordable housing in Gloucester is owned by registered providers, such as housing associations. Affordable housing includes: 

  • affordable rented properties
  • social rented properties
  • shared ownership 

Affordable rented properties

Affordable rents are rents of up to 80% of market rent which registered providers of social housing can charge for certain residential properties.


Social rented properties

Social rented properties usually have the lowest rents. Social rented housing in Gloucester is owned by registered providers. 


Social ownership

Shared ownership is a form of home ownership. When you buy a shared ownership property, you use a mortgage to buy a percentage of the property then pay rent on the remaining percentage.