Adapting Your Home for Disabled People
Mandatory Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)
DFG's helps towards the cost of home adaptations so that disabled people can live with more independence in and around their home and is available to homeowners; private tenants; and housing association tenants.
DFG's are means tested and limited up to £30,000. Adaptations provide access to the essential areas of a home and may include ramps, door widening, stair lifts, level access shower facilities, and kitchen adaptations and can be supplemented with discretionary funding as set out in the linked Housing Assistance Policy for Gloucester City.
What is a DFG?
How to request a DFG
Step 1
Contact relevant Social Services helpdesk below to set up a visit and assessment by an Occupational Therapist
Grant assistance can only be considered once the council has received a referral from an Occupational Therapist so the first step to making a grant application is to phone the relevant helpdesk below and set up an Occupational Therapist assessment to see if they think adaptations would be necessary to meet the disabled person’s needs.
Adult Social Care
Children and families for disabled children (up to 19 years)
Step 2
The Occupational Therapist will send Gloucester City Council a referral if they think adaptations are required to meet the medical needs of the disabled person.
Step 3
Gloucester City Council’s Grant Officer will contact the applicant to start the application process.
Additional information
If you need further information about DFGs and how to apply please contact our Private Sector Housing Team.
Phone: 01452 396 396
Additional information on Gloucestershire County Council website. Link to Occupational Therapist Assessments and DFG referrals.