Housing in Multiple Occupancy (HMO)

What is a HMO?

A HMO is a house in multiple occupation and applies to buildings that are either a single dwelling or a flat where one or more separate households share facilities such as; kitchens, toilet and bathroom.

Information for tenants

The council is responsible for enforcing HMO standards, so if you are a tenant living in a HMO and feel there are any unreasonable hazards which your private landlord is not dealing with, please report it.

You can contact Gloucester City Council on 01452 396 396 or email heretohelp@gloucester.gov.uk

Your landlord must have a licence for all HMO properties which are occupied by five or more people forming two or more households.

We have produced a HMO licence guide for tenants so that you are aware of the standards and conditions landlords must meet with regards to HMO properties.

Download the Houses in Multiple Occupation - A Guide for Landlords, Managers and Tenants

The council must maintain a public register of all the premises licensed as a house in multiple occupation. A basic copy of the register is available to download below.

HMO Licensed Property Register

If you have any enquiries about a property which has been licensed or which you feel should be licensed and is not, please contact us.

Information for landlords

HMO standards

If you rent rooms in a multiple occupancy home the property must meet the required standards for tenants, with regards to health, safety and welfare.

Find out more about these standards on the Gov.uk website.

Download the Housing Health and Safety Rating System booklet. (PDF, 540.4 KB)


In order to ensure multiple occupancy homes are of a decent standard, landlords may need a HMO licence.

If your HMO property has 5 persons or more who form more than one household and share facilities it must now be licensed.

Following the introduction of the Housing and Planning Act 2016, Gloucester City Council has recently reviewed its application processes and fees.  Effective from April 2024 New HMO Licences will be issued for up to 5 years at a cost of £915.00.  Renewal for an existing HMO Licence will be £775 for up to a 5 year licence period.

HMO licence application form

A Guidance Note to assist in the completion of the application (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Government Covid Guidance