Smoke Control Area: The Rules

Gloucester's smoke control order means you cannot emit smoke from a chimney unless you’re burning an authorised fuel or using exempt appliances, for example burners or stoves.

You must not buy an unauthorised fuel for use in a smoke control area, unless it is to be used in an exempt appliance.

You can be fined up to £1,000 if you break the rules.

Gloucester's smoke control area

Gloucester has had a small smoke control area​ since the 1960's. The area includes the Cathedral, the Gaol and the County Council offices. Housing built before the area was designated is excluded from control, as it was expected that the area would be redeveloped. This has indeed taken place over the years, so that the only excluded housing today is in Priory Road, Mount Street and Pitt Street.

The smoke control area (PDF, 297.8 KB) is bounded by The Quay, Royal Oak Road, St. Oswald's Road, Priory Road, St. Mary's Street, Pitt Street, Hare Lane, Northgate Street, Southgate Street and Commercial Road.

What can you burn in a smoke control area

If you are using a fireplace

You can only burn:

If you are using an exempt appliance 

If you are using exempt appliances such as some boilers, cookers and stoves you can burn:

  • authorised fuels as declared by regulations under the Clean Air Act 1993
  • kindling sticks and paper in fire places
  • unauthorised fuels, such as wood

You must only use the types of fuel that the manufacturer says can be used in the appliance.