Tell us about overgrown grass in parks and public spaces

Here you can find out about our grass cutting programme and how we protect and enhance wildlife areas in the city.


What you need to know

Our grass cutting programme is set in advance to make sure we cut all areas regularly.

We maintain and cut the grass on all public land owned by us. We also cut the grass on behalf of Gloucestershire County Council Highways in selected areas in the city following a schedule set by them. 

What we do 

We will:

  • usually only cut between April and October 
  • follow a sensitive grass cutting programme for the benefit of wildlife
  • cut grass in all weather, unless the conditions make it too dangerous

What we don't do

We don't:

  • change our schedule to respond to a sudden spurt in grass growth
  • respond to individual requests for grass cutting but do use the information you provide to monitor our service


Our grass cutting programme 

Areas we cut regularly 

We aim to cut grass in parks and public spaces every 20 working days between the beginning of April to October.  

We aim to strim grass around street furniture such as benches, signs, lamp posts, bins, bollards at least twice a year, usually between April to October. We do not strim around trees or wall and fence edges.

Areas we cut twice a year

We cut the grass twice a year in these areas of our parks and public spaces:

  • balancing ponds
  • defined areas of open space
  • edges and boundaries of woodland or open space
  • noise bunds (mounds of soil at the boundary of a site that create a noise barrier) 
  • steep grassed banks
  • stream banks
  • under groups of trees

Wildlife areas 

We have a statutory duty to protect and enhance biodiversity in Gloucester City to improve the quality of life for both residents and wildlife. 

To help protect and restore biodiversity for some selected areas in the city we have introduced a more sensitive grass cutting regime to allow plants to flower and seed, providing a food source for insects and other wildlife. For example, letting the grass to grow long in Holmleigh park to create wildflower meadows. 

See our Gloucester urban greening project list for areas we cut less frequently, the list is not exhaustive and other sites may also be cut less frequently to promote biodiversity.  


Tell us about overgrown grass 

Things to consider before you contact us:

  • our first cut of the year may leave areas of grass looking less tidy, but it will soon recover after the next couple of cuts 
  • it can take more than one day to cut areas of grass as our team use large mowers to cut open areas of grass, then often return later to use a small mower to cut around trees and selected areas


How to make a report

Important - we do not respond to individual requests for grass cutting but do use the information you provide to monitor our service


Report overgrown grass


Other ways to make a report

If you cannot make a report online, please phone us on 01452 396 396