Overgrown Vegetation on Public Land or Highways
Here you can find out about our cutting programme for vegetation (such as hedges, shrubs and brambles) and how we protect and enhance wildlife areas in the city.
What you need to know
Our cutting programme for parks, public land and highways is set in advance, we normally cut between October and March once the grass cutting has finished for the year.
What we do
We will:
- usually only cut between October and March
- follow a sensitive cutting programme for the benefit of wildlife
- cut in all weather, unless the conditions make it too dangerous
What we don't do
We don't:
- cut back vegetation to address shading issues, improve television or phone signals, prevent vegetation from encroaching onto private land or to open up views.
- cut back vegetation overhanging private property
- cut back all vegetation every year (it can be beneficial to wildlife and local biodiversity to leave vegetation growing on an open space)
Action you can take
If you are able to do minor works yourself, such as cutting back small branches or brambles overhanging paths, this will enable us to direct resources towards other public space maintenance programmes.
You're legally allowed cut back vegetation that is overhanging your property from public land (such as parks, open spaces or public high way) back to your boundary of your property. Please dispose of the green waste responsibly.
Important - please avoid cutting during the bird nesting or breeding season from March to August as all wild birds, their young, their eggs and active nests are protected by law
You must remove or cut back your vegetation if it:
- blocks the view at a road junction
- obstructs a road or footpath
- obstructs a streetlight, traffic lights or street signs
- is a danger to the highway
If you wish to carry out more major works, please contact us to discuss your proposal.
How to report
We do not respond to individual requests for cutting during the bird nesting or breeding season between March and August but do use the information you provide to monitor our service.
You can only use this service to report overgrowing vegetation that is (one of the following):
- blocking access to a footpath or cycleway
- blocking visibility at a road junction or covers a highway sign
- significantly overhanging a footpath or cycleway which may cause injury
What happens next
We will make an assessment within 10 days on what action to take.
If we are responsible for cutting back the vegetation we will:
- cut it back as a priority if your report meets one or more of the above criteria
- cut it back as part of our normal cutting schedule between October and March if not classed as a priority
Other ways to make a report
If you cannot make a report online, please phone us on 01452 396 396