Playing Pitches

The Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy was adopted in 2016 and sets out the Councils priorities for protecting, enhancing and improving playing pitches up until 2025.

The overarching vision of the Playing Pitch Strategy is to provide an accessible, high quality and sustainable network of outdoor sports facilities, which provide opportunities for all residents to access good sport, physical activity and recreation facilities.  See Playing Pitch Strategy (PDF, 1.3 MB)  

The Playing Pitch Strategy is being actively delivered by the City Council, working with National Governing Bodies, Sport England, Active Gloucestershire, Aspire Sport and Cultural Trust and the Gloucestershire Playing Fields Association. Through joint working and regular internal and external funding, we have so far been able to deliver improvements to over two thirds of the playing pitches identified in the strategy.

Sports Pitch Grants

Sports clubs playing on Gloucester City Council-owned, natural turf pitches are able to apply for grants to support the improvement and management of their sports facilities, with an emphasis on pitch quality.  These grants are being administered on behalf of the Council by the Gloucestershire Playing Fields Association.  For further information and to apply for a grant please see Pitch Improvement Grants

Booking a Sports Pitch

Plock Court and Tuffley Park are available to hire for football or cricket depending on the season.

King George V is available to hire during the cricket season only. It is seasonally hired for football.

The current fees are:

Cricket Net fee VAT Total fee
Matches – pitch only
£47.50 £9.50 £57.00
Matches – pitch only
£23.33 £4.67 £28.00
Practice wickets
£17.50 £3.50 £21.00
Changing rooms (VAT exempt) £8.30 £0.00 £8.30


Football Net fee VAT Total fee
Pitch only - Weekends £41.25 £8.25 £49.50
Pitch only - Weekdays £21.04 £4.21 £25.25
Changing rooms (VAT exempt) £8.30 £0.00 £8.30


Seasonal bookings Net fee VAT Total fee
Pitch per season - Senior £201.67 £40.33 £242.00
Pitch per season - Junior £100.83 £20.17 £121.00

NB: Charges for teams aged under 17 are half price

For further information on how to book one of our sports pitches, please email