Report a Change

You’ll need to tell us immediately if anything changes that may affect how much Council Tax you pay or discounts you receive such as:

  • someone moves in
  • someone in your house turns 18
  • you’re no longer able to claim a Single persons discount
  • someone dies or moves into a nursing home

You need to tell us within 21 days. If you do not, you may receive an amended bill and a penalty charge.

Other changes

To tell us of any other changes that affect your Council Tax bill please contact us at You must include the Council Tax account reference number in your email to us and the word reference in the subject of your email. For example 'Reference [Your Council Tax number]'

Moving home

If you’re moving home, please tell us so we can update your account.

If you claim Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support

You’ll need to tell us your new address so that we can update your details and your claim.

Report a change of circumstances


If you do not have a claim for Housing Benefit or Council Tax support

Moving in

Tell us if you’re:

  • moving into Gloucester from another area
  • moving into your first home

You’ll need:

  • bank or building society details to set up a Direct Debit to pay your Council Tax
  • any joint tenant details if you’re a tenant and your landlord or agent’s details
  • any joint owners details if you’re the owner

Tell us you're moving in


Moving out

Tell us if you’re:

  • moving out of the city
  • moving to a property where you’ll no longer be liable to pay Council Tax

Please contact us at You must include the Council Tax account reference number in your email to us and the word reference in the subject of your email. For example 'Reference [Your Council Tax number]'

Please tell us:

  • the address you are moving out of
  • the date you are moving out
  • whether the property is now furnished or unfurnished
  • the end date of your tenancy / completion date of sale
  • landlord's name and address / name of new owner 
  • your new address