Students and Student Nurses

Some students and student nurses can receive discounts from their Council Tax.

If you’re a student or a student nurse, you’re not counted when calculating Council Tax so you may get a discount or pay nothing.

You may get a discount or be exempt when:

  • everyone in the property is a student or student nurse
  • some people in the property are students or student nurses

If you live in halls of residence, or in a house where everyone’s classed as a full-time student or student nurse for council tax purposes, you may be exempt from paying.



You’re a full-time student for council tax purposes if you’re studying at a 'prescribed place of education'. This will include established universities and most colleges.

  • You’re under 20 and your course:
    • leads to a qualification up to (but not above) A level standard or equivalent
    • lasts for more than 3 months
    • involves more than 12 hours of study per week
  • Your university or college course:
    • lasts for at least one academic or calendar year
    • needs you to attend for at least 24 weeks out of a year
    • involves study of at least 21 hours per week during term time

Not all courses count towards 'full-time student' status. For example, distance learning or evening classes and you won't be considered a full-time student if you're doing a course related to your job - such as a day release.


Student nurses

You’re considered to be a student nurse for Council Tax purposes if:

  • you're a nursing or a midwifery student, including those on pre-registration undergraduate courses and post-registration health visitor training
  • taking a course which leads to registration under the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1997

Student nurses taking traditional hospital-based training, do not count as students.


How do I apply?


Each student in the household will need to supply a 'student certificate form' - this can be obtained from the bursar at your place of study.  You can upload your student certificate and application form (PDF, 140.7 KB) through My Gloucester if you've linked your Council Tax account.  

How to link your account?

First you'll need to sign up to My Gloucester and sign in, then you can link your Council Tax account.

Sign up for My Gloucester

Already registered?

Sign in to My Gloucester



Download and complete the form (PDF, 140.7 KB) and send to us, along with your student certificate form at You must include the Council Tax account reference number in your email to us and the word reference in the subject of your email. For example 'Reference [Your Council Tax number]'



Download and complete the form (PDF, 140.7 KB) and send to us with your student certificate from at Gloucester City Revenues & Benefits, PO Box 2017, PERSHORE, WR10 9BJ