Crematorium office closure
The crematorium will be non-operational, no cremation services taking place and the office, including our phones, will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday 17 March
- Tuesday 18 March
- Wednesday 19 March
- Monday 24 March
A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) places rules on a public space. A PSPO can either require or restrict certain behaviour in that area. They’re used in areas where specific behaviour is having a negative effect on people who use that space. For example, a PSPO might require dogs to be kept on a lead at all times in a certain area, or it might ban people from behaving in a certain way.
PSPOs are made available under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and can only be put in place by Councils. However, Councils must consult with affected communities and the local Police before putting a PSPO in place.
If you are getting in touch with us to request a PSPO for a certain area, please read all of the information on this page first.
A PSPO can remain in place for up to three years.
Breaching a PSPO is a criminal offence and can lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) or prosecution.
In Gloucester, Fixed Penalty Notices of up to £80 can be served to people who breach a PSPO. If a prosecution takes place, the fine can be up to £1,000 and also involves attendance at court.
Gloucester City Council introduced it's first PSPOs in 2018 and these were reviewed in 2021 and most recently in 2024. Please read 'Useful Information on PSPOs' below for more information.
All of the Public Spaces Protection Orders that are currently in place in Gloucester are listed on this page:
This PSPO bans anyone from drinking alcohol in a public space (on the streets, in a park or any other public space) within the city centre area.
Gloucester City Centre Alcohol Free Zone PSPO
This PSPO is in place across the entire City and specifies:
PSPOs can also restrict access to certain pieces of land that are usually open to the public. These specific PSPOs were previously known as Gating Orders and are put in place where ongoing anti-social behaviour, crime or nuisance has occurred and had a negative impact on residents or the local community. We have some of these PSPOs in place at various locations in Gloucester.
Click on the individual orders below for more information including maps of the areas:
The alleyway between Eastgate Street and Russell Street in Gloucester City centre
Notice of PSPO Moreton St Melbourne St W See the full PSPO here
Notice of PSPO Salisbury Rd - Hatfield Rd See the full PSPO here
The enforcement of PSPOs in Gloucester focusses on education initially. Our aim is that a person who is witnessed breaching any PSPO is first of all given advice regarding the PSPO and offered a chance to change their behaviour. If the advice and opportunity to change behaviour are ignored, then enforcement action may be taken.
Breaching a PSPO is a criminal offence and can lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) or prosecution. In Gloucester, Fixed Penalty Notices of up to £80 can be served to people who breach a PSPO. If a prosecution takes place, the fine can be up to £1,000 and also involves attendance at court.
Education and enforcement of PSPOs in Gloucester is carried out by the Council, Police and our partner agencies. For example, we work closely with Gloucester CitySafe whose City Protection Officers patrol the City centre.
Multi-agency information, local intelligence and ASB and crime reports will be used to direct our engagement with individuals, the education and enforcement of the PSPO. For PSPOs to work successfully, we rely on members of the public, City centre businesses and partner agencies reporting issues that they see.
The Council is committed to an “engage, support, enforce” approach when working with people involved in anti-social behaviour (ASB).
We have a multi-agency anti-social behaviour team called Solace. Made up of Council and Police officers, Solace deal with high level ASB and ASB which occurs in public places. For more information on Solace and how to report anti-social behaviour click here
It is essential that evidence of street-based anti-social behaviour is reported to Solace if action is needed to tackle it. Solace are the lead agency for dealing with anti-social behaviour in Gloucester and work closely with local Police and partner agencies to do so.
Before a PSPO is considered, all reasonable and appropriate interventions should be tried to address the behaviour which is having a negative effect on the community. A PSPO, like any legal order, is a last resort that should be put in place only when other interventions have been tried and are unsuccessful.
in the case of PSPOs to address anti-social behaviour, Solace will work with colleagues within the Council and partner agencies to address the behaviours first.
In the case of requests to 'gate off' an area, it is important to be aware that the appropriate team within the City Council will address the issues occurring first. For example, if fly tipping is occurring, this will be addressed by our City Improvement Team. Only when usual interventions have been tried, and other options explored and are unsuccessful, will a PSPO be considered.
The lead team for introducing a PSPO will be dependent on the issue occurring, but the implementation will always be guided and overseen by the Community Wellbeing Team and One Legal.
The Council’s Community Wellbeing Team is responsible for overseeing Public Space Protection Orders in the City.
Where complaints of anti-social behaviour (ASB) are received, our multi-agency ASB team Solace will first investigate the allegations and take all reasonable steps to work with communities to resolve any issues. Solace will gather any evidence and if a PSPO is deemed an appropriate option, they will work with the Community Wellbeing Team to explore this.
If you would like further information on Public Spaces Protection Orders you can contact the Community Wellbeing Team by email at