Councillor's Community Fund

Councillor’s Community Fund 2024/25 

FAQs and Guidance Notes What is the Fund for? 

As part of the Community Grant budget, the Cabinet Member for Communities and As part of the Community Grant budget, the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods has provided a ‘Councillor’s Community Fund’.

This fund allows every Councillor to spend £750 within their individual ward on community projects. The funding for 2024/25 is available now. Contact your local councillor​ to find out more.​​​

All funding must be spent by 31st March of each financial year.

What can I use the funding for? 

The fund can be allocated to support projects or activities that benefit the communities within your ward boundaries. Examples include startup costs for a community group, purchase of play equipment or the installation of a bench seat in a public space.

It is your responsibility to: 

  • ensure the funds will comply with all relevant legislation affecting the way the project is carried out (for example health and safety regulations), including having the appropriate practices in place where working with children, young people or vulnerable adults
  • ensure the project provides value for money

Is there anything that I cannot use the funding for?

  • to support any political party, nor pay for publicity, which is for or against any political party
  • as a direct benefit to any specific individuals or privately owned businesses
  • to support any organisation who’s aims and objectives conflict with those of the City Council
  • for anything that would place you under any obligation to people or organisations that may try to inappropriately influence you in you work
  • for gambling purposes or any illegal or immoral purposes
  • to cover ongoing revenue costs of a particular organisation, including salaries

How do I access the funding? 

There is a simple process for you to access the funding. It involves a couple of steps: 

Please make your application electronically and e-mail this to

It needs to include:

    • the 2-page application form o If you are funding a group which has not received payment by the Council before, you will need to complete supplier form part 1 and email this together with a copy of the group’s bank details on their letterhead paper.
    • If the project you are funding has already taken place, we require the invoice for any works or supplies undertaken. Once the application has been submitted, councillors will receive a confirmation email as way of receipt with an expected payment date so they can inform groups/projects.

Can I pool my funding with another councillor?

Yes. Councillors within a ward (or across wards if the activity/project is undertaken in more than one ward) can pool the funding to create a bigger budget i.e. two Councillors can group their allocation funds for a total of £1500. This will require a joint application form and detail the amount of funding each Councillor is contributing to the project.

What is the deadline for applications?

Your application must be submitted by Friday 14th March 2025 so that we have time to make the payment before the end of the financial year. 

Spending money with another council service

If you are asking another council service to do some work, you must get a quote from them first and submit a completed application before any works will be carried out.


Details of proposals, commitments and actual expenditure by each Councillor will be made available on the Council’s website along with the amount of money still available to be spent / committed. This will be updated quarterly, and it is the Councillor’s responsibility to keep track of spent and remaining funds.

Who monitors whether money is spent correctly? 

All monitoring is the sole responsibility of the Councillor who authorised the funding. This information will be required at the end of the year by the Community Wellbeing Team, who will incorporate it into the annual outcomes report. The Fund can be subject to a review by the Council’s Internal Audit Service to ensure financial probity and value for money in how public money is spent. Appropriate records should be kept by all applicants and Councillors in case their application is audited.

For all enquiries, please email

Forms for download

Councillor’s Community Fund Application 2024/25

Grant recipient form