Community Events

Join us helping with the management of nature reserves around the city. All tools are provided. Please bring a drink for breaktime and work gloves if you have them. For further information please contact We look forward to meeting you!

Friends of Horsbere Brook Work Days


Tree Care - Farm track Hedge

  • Wednesday 2 April - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Tree Care - The Mound Hedge

  • Monday 7 April - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Tree Care - The Mound Hedge

  • Monday 14 April - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Bank Holiday Tree Care - Cliffs Wood

  • Monday 21 April - 10:30 am to 1pm

Weekend Tree Care - The Mound Hedge

  • Saturday 26 April - 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Mystery Tree Care - Location TBC

  • Wednesday 30 April - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
  • Check for location update based on progress from previous sessions.

Friends of Hucclecote Work Days

For sessions at Hucclecote Meadows please meet by the signboard on Lobleys Drive, for sessions at Green Lane please meet at the kissing gate off Laxton Road at the start time or find us in the reserve, for Appleton Way meet on Appleton Way or find us in the balancing pond. All tools will be provided, please bring work gloves and a drink for breaktime. We look forward to seeing you!


Weekend Hedge Care -  Hucclecote Meadows

  • Saturday 29 March – 10:30 am to 1pm

Hedge Care -  Hucclecote Meadows

  • Wednesday 16 April – 9:30 am to 12:30pm

Hedge Care -  Hucclecote Meadows

  • Friday 25 April – 9:30 am to 12:30pm

Further updates and details can be found on Facebook @FriendsofHucclecoteMeadows

Friends of Robinswood Hill Working Party

We help the Rangers with their conservation work on the hill - from scrub clearance and trail clearing to oiling wood sculptures. We meet on the first Thursday of the month (except July and August) at 2pm (except in December and January when we meet at 1pm). Tea/coffee and cakes are provided at half time! For further information please contact


Clearing Ash  - Robinswood Hill

  • Wednesday 12 March - 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

Park in main car park (Reservoir Road) and meet by the rangers centre to walk to site. We will be burning felled ash at Wolfleaze Picnic site what3words recal.feeds.juror. Please bring a drink and snack for breaktime, all tools provided.

Trail Clearing - Robinswood Hill

  • Wednesday 26 March - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Wednesday 9 April - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Wednesday 23 April - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Park in main car park (Reservoir Road) and meet by the rangers centre. Please bring a drink and snack for breaktime, all tools provided.

Great British Spring Clean - Weekend Litter Pick - Robinswood Hill

  • Sunday 30 March - 10:30 am - 12 pm

Park in Fox Elms Road Car Park what3words //speeds.orbit.wipes to pick up tools. 

For further details please email

Friends of Alney Island

Willow Clearing - Alney Island 

  • Friday 28 March - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Clearing willow from the flood channel at what3words //doctor.notion.senses. Parking is available at what3words // access available for 9:30 am. Please email (in advance) if joining us after the start time (and we will let you inside the security gate). This is now the planned task after a nesting bird survey. The area is of low nesting potential but the survey will be repeated on the day of the task. An alternative task is available closeby.  

Footpath Clearing - Alney Island

  • Friday 11 April - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Clearing Castlemeads footpath. Meet in car park what3words //  to collect tools. Please bring a drink.

Weekend Litter Pick - Alney Island

  • Sunday 27 April - 10:30 am - 12 pm

Meet in car park what3words //  to collect tools. Please bring a drink.

For further details please email

Green Abbey Volunteers

Meet to help nature around Clock Tower Park

April 26th: Great UK Waterblitz and clearing around saplings
May 24th: Clearing around saplings
June 14th: Wildlife survey
July 5th: tbc
August 2nd: The Big Butterfly Count

For further details please see Green Abbey or contact Cate Williams or Beth Sweet

Volunteer Litter Pickers

Our aim is to make Gloucester a clean and pleasant place for our residents to live. We are proud to say we have more than 100 volunteers who help us keep the City clean and tidy.

Our volunteers really enjoy being able to make a valuable contribution and a positive impact in their local area.

Why not join them and help us make a difference?

Find out more

Countryside Unit​ - Robinswood Hill Country Park Reservoir Road Gloucester, GL4 6SX Tel: 01452 303 206 or email us at