Gloucester Shared Prosperity Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.

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Current UKSPF Projects

Gloucester was awarded £1.468m over 3 years to deliver against 3 main priorities. 4% is allocated to administration. Following invitation of Expressions of Interest in Autumn 2022 and Winter 2023, here are our funding commitments to date in Gloucester.

Delivery Lead Name of Project Project Description Award Amount
Name of Organisation Delivering Project Brief description of project (Max 10 words). i.e., the primary activity funded by UKSPF, for example: Local business development grants. UKSPF budget (i.e., Funding from UKSPF allocation)
Roots Cafe and Community CIC Roots Refills 2022-2023 A plastic free refill shop in the heart of Kingsholm, Gloucester £35,040.00
Friendship Cafe The Coffee Shop @Friendship café Replace and expand coffee shop and overspill in main eating area. £13,720.00
Young Gloucestershire YG Education & Careers Hub Training and employability for Young People in Gloucester £61,248.00
Read with Me Read with Me increased capacity to delivery 1-to-1 reading support to primary schools across the Gloucester £23,040.00
Gloucestershire County Council Employment and Skills Hub Outreach (ESHO) Project ESHO project addresses multiple barriers to accessing the labour market. £67,200.00
Gloucestershire County Council 5-year vision for Gloucester City Centre Research and Delivery of 5-year vision for Gloucester City Centre £34,400.00
Hartpury University Hartpury University Sports Business Hub outreach HUSBH outreach project will harness its expertise to provide training, capacity to Grassroots sports facilities £116,132.00
University of Gloucestershire (UoG) Growth hub UoG Growth Hub    Supporting Local Business via paid and grant based programmes. £212,160.00
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust Gloucester Nature Park Climate resilience and biodiversity interventions in Hempsted, Gloucester £141,880.00
Gloucester Gateway Trust Spark Volunteering Employability and access to work in Gloucester £96,000.00
Blackbridge Community Benefit Society Blackbridge Community and Sports Hub Improvement of Sport facilities and cultural offer £66,240.00
Gloucester City Council and Gloucestershire OPCC Gloucester Safer Spaces Officer Reporting and Consultation App Interventions towards safer spaces in the city  £208,320.00
Llanthony Secunda Priory Llanthony Wellbeing and Activity project Biodiversity net gain through development of 6,000 sqm in Hempsted, Gloucester £94,124.00
GUST on behalf of Voices Gloucester Voices Gloucester Heritage and Culture based Grants programme £24,200.00
GFirst LEP/County Council UoG Growth Hub County wide coordination of business support £75,840.00
The Nest CIC The Nest Social enterprise: Restaurant, Café and Product Showcase, and Training and Start-Up Hub. £32,000.00
Music Works Gloucester Music Hub The Gloucester Music Hub aims to impact over 2,000 young people particularly those facing challenges, using music as a transformative tool. £10,000.00
Venture Community Hub   A Place for All Redevelop our adventure playground and play hut building into a sustainable, multi-purpose hub. £17,280.00
Community Roots CIC Gloucester Park Café Training volunteers to run the café and which will offer affordable food and drink and act as a base for community engagement in Gloucester Park £16,275.00
All Nations Community Centre Warm Space Improved heating system, providing more efficient heating of the building which acts as a Warm Space and community hub. £12,500.00
Gloucester City Council Gloucester Park Signage New and additional signage to encouraging greater use of the park and to discourage anti-social behaviour. £16,010.00
Friendship Cafe Sustainable community Spaces Essential maintenance and improvements to the security of the building. £30,000.00
Gloucester City Council St Oswald’s Priory - Interpretation and Lighting Install lighting, CCTV, improve landscaping and community engagement.


Gloucester Culture Trust Welcome to Jolt Work to improve access and facilities for people with disabilities at start up business incubator Jolt which supports over 70 businesses £9,924.00
Roots Renewed CIC Roots Refills - Refurbishment and Refit 2023- 2025 Capital improvements to Roots Refills Space to improve resilience and flexibility of space. Improvements to community kitchen and heating system installation £12,672.00

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