Whistle Blowing

What is it?

Whistleblowing is a procedure which enables employees, councillors and members of the public to express any concerns they have about illegal or illegitimate practices involving the council.

You can raise your concerns without fear of victimisation, discrimination or disadvantage.

Make a whistleblowing referral

You can make a referral through one of the following methods:

  1. Complete the online referral form
  2. Report to the whistleblowing answerphone service in confidence 24/7 on 01452 427 052
  3. Email to internalauditmanagement@gloucestershire.gov.uk

How will my whistle blowing complaint be dealt with?

All complaints are confidential and will be treated sensitively. We will channel complaints to the most appropriate officer and will keep you informed of who is dealing with the complaint and how.

You will not be given any copies of investigative reports or audits, but we may advise you informally of the conclusions of the investigation.

Not all complaints will warrant a full investigation as it may be that the matter can be resolved informally because the information has been misinterpreted.