Elections 2024

UK Parliamentary General Election – Thursday 4 July 2024

Find out how to vote in the general election, the key dates and deadlines, and how to stand as a candidate.

On Thursday 4 July 2024, a General Election will take place in the UK to elect MPs to the UK Parliament. In Gloucester, there will be an election for the MP for the Gloucester constituency.

If you live in the Elmbridge or Longlevens wards of Gloucester, you will be electing an MP for the Tewkesbury constituency. Your electoral registration is handled by Gloucester City Council, however, the election is delivered by Tewkesbury Borough Council (TBC).  For information about the election for the Tewkesbury constituency, please visit TBC website

Election timetable


Notice of election

Statement of Persons Nominated and Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations

Notice of Election Agents' Names and Offices

How to Vote

You can no longer register to vote in the General Election on 4 July 2024.

Voting at a polling station

If you wish to vote in person at your local polling station, you will need to show a form of acceptable photographic ID. There are many forms of ID you can use which can be found here.

If you do not have one of these forms of photographic ID, you can apply for a free of charge Voter Authority Certificate which will allow you to vote at a polling station. Deadline is Wednesday 26 June 2024 by 5pm.

Apply for Voter Authority Certificate 

If you require any assistance, you can contact our elections team through elections@gloucester.gov.uk or by phone 01452 396203.

Voting by post

You do not need ID to vote by post. 

You can no longer apply for a postal vote for the General Election on 4 July.

Postal votes will be sent in two batches

You will be included in the first batch if you were registered for a postal vote prior to the announcement of this election. You will also be included in the first batch if we receive your valid postal vote application and verify your identity by Thursday 30 May. The first dispatch will be sent around Monday 17 June.

To be included in the second dispatch, we must receive your postal vote application by 5pm on Wednesday 19 June. The second dispatch will be sent around Tuesday 25 June.

Voting by Proxy

You can appoint someone to vote on your behalf. To do this, you must apply by Wednesday 26 June by 5pm.

Apply for a proxy vote 

How to stand as a candidate in the UK Parliamentary General Election

You should contact the Gloucester City Council Democratic and Electoral Services team for further guidance and support if you are interested in standing for election at the UK Parliamentary general election for the Gloucester constituency.

To contact us, you can:
•    email electionsnomination@gloucester.gov.uk 
•    phone 01452 396203

To be a validly nominated candidate, you must submit a completed set of nomination forms to the Acting Returning Officer. You must submit these forms between 10am and 4pm, from Tuesday 4 June to Friday 7 June. Please use the contact details above to request nomination forms and make an appointment to submit them.

You must also arrange payment of a £500 deposit by 4pm on Friday 7 June. Bank details are available on request.