Business Rates Information

National non-domestic rates accounts

In accordance with our obligation to respond to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we intend to publish on our website the information listed below from April 2018.

National non-domestic rates accounts in credit

Further to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Decision Notices FS50619844 and FS50643256, Gloucester City Council is no longer publishing information in respect of credit balances on Business Rate accounts. In line with these decisions, information is being withheld under Section 31(1)(a) Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FoIA), which states that:

'Information which is not exempt under Section 30 is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice –

(a) the prevention or detection of crime'

However, to be open and transparent in respect of public funds, we will publish the following information on a quarterly basis:

Total business rate credits held

Period Total (£)
Total business rates credits held as of 1st November 2024 603,918.38

We will publish this information on a quarterly basis in July, October, January, and April. We will not provide individual responses to requests for similar information, but will re-direct requests to our published reports held on this web page.

Limitation of data​

The information is only available in the format provided.​​

Business rates (non-domes​tic rates) information

Gloucester City Council (GCC) receives a number of Freedom of Information requests of a similar nature for information which relates to Business Rate accounts (non-domestic properties). To address these requests GCC publishes the following reports in Excel format:

List of all Business Rate accounts (NDR List) containing the following information:

  • Billing authority reference number
  • Property address
  • Property postcode
  • Ratepayer (unless an individual)
  • Billing address (if different to property address, unless an individual)
  • Empty property status
  • Rateable value
  • Date empty from (where applicable)
  • Relief type if received
  • Charge start date
  • Property description

We will publish this information on a quarterly basis in May, August, November, and February. We will not provide individual responses to requests for similar information, but will re-direct requests to our published reports held on this page.

NDR List July 2020 (XLSX, 335.1 KB)

NDR List October 2020 (XLSX, 341.3 KB)

NDR List February 2021 (XLSX, 342.8 KB)

NDR List May 2021 (XLSX, 335.5 KB)

NDR List August 2021 (XLSX, 356.7 KB)

NDR List November 2021 (XLSX, 370.3 KB)

NDR List July 2022

NDR List November 2022 (XLSX, 352.6 KB)

NDR List February 2023 

NDR List May 2023 (XLSX, 379.5 KB)

NDR List August 2023 (XLSX, 400.9 KB)

NDR List November 2023 (XLSX, 401.4 KB)

NDR List February 2024 (XLSX, 409.8 KB)

NDR List May 2024

NDR List August 2024

NDR List November 2024

Limitation of data​

  • The ratepayer is the person liable to pay the charge. In most cases this is a leaseholder and not an owner. It is not possible to identify the owners from our records where the leaseholder is the ratepayer.
  • Account references are not included as these are personal to the account, and are used to ensure that a ratepayer is actually the account holder when they contact the Council.
  • Ratepayers names and correspondence addresses are only provided for limited companies and government bodies and not for individuals as this would breach the principles of the  Data Protection Act 2018.
  • The correspondence address is the last contact address on GCC's business rates records.
  • The information is only available in the format provided.

Business Grants

Gloucester City Council will not be disclosing information about individual businesses who have been recipients of the Government's business grants.

We are not obliged to provide information if its release would prejudice law enforcement. In this case, we believe that releasing the information would be likely to prejudice the prevention or detection of crime (section 31(1) (a) of the Act).

In line with the terms of this exemption in the Freedom of Information Act, we have also considered whether it would be in the public interest for us to provide the information, despite the exemption being applicable. In this case, we have considered the potential fraud risks associated with disclosure and concluded that the public interest favours withholding the information.

Information about the total number of grants paid by each individual Local Authority and the total value of those grants is updated weekly on the Government website