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Gloucester City Council is consulting on proposed amendments to its Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.

Members of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee approved an 8 week consultation on the draft revised Hackney Carriage, Private Hire driver/vehicle and Private Hire Operator rule books.

All the proposed amendments and revisions to the rule books are shaded in red and can be seen by clicking the links below:-

Hackney Carriage driver and vehicle rule book

Private Hire Driver and Vehicle rule book

Private Hire Operator rule book

Proposed changes

The closing date for any comments is 19 May 2025.

If you would like to respond to this consultation, please send your comments to Licensing@gloucester.gov.uk

Gloucester City Council is consulting on proposed amendments to its Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.

Members of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee approved an 8 week consultation on the draft revised Hackney Carriage, Private Hire driver/vehicle and Private Hire Operator rule books.

All the proposed amendments and revisions to the rule books are shaded in red and can be seen by clicking the links below:-

Hackney Carriage driver and vehicle rule book

Private Hire Driver and Vehicle rule book

Private Hire Operator rule book

Proposed changes

The closing date for any comments is 19 May 2025.

If you would like to respond to this consultation, please send your comments to Licensing@gloucester.gov.uk

Gloucester City Council, as a Licensing Authority, has a statutory duty to publish its cumulative impact assessment (CIA) every 3 years in order to review its special policy

on cumulative impact and there must be a full consultation before a CIA can be implemented.

Members of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee in March agreed that an eight-week consultation with stakeholders, businesses and members of the public to review the Cumulative Impact Assessment is undertaken.

View Draft CIA document.

We are seeking your views on the review of the CIA and any responses will be reported back to the Licensing and Enforcement Committee in June.

Can you send your comments to Licensing@gloucester.gov.uk

The closing date for any comments is 20 May 2025.

Gloucester City Council, as a Licensing Authority, has a statutory duty to publish its cumulative impact assessment (CIA) every 3 years in order to review its special policy

on cumulative impact and there must be a full consultation before a CIA can be implemented.

Members of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee in March agreed that an eight-week consultation with stakeholders, businesses and members of the public to review the Cumulative Impact Assessment is undertaken.

View Draft CIA document.

We are seeking your views on the review of the CIA and any responses will be reported back to the Licensing and Enforcement Committee in June.

Can you send your comments to Licensing@gloucester.gov.uk

The closing date for any comments is 20 May 2025.