Gloucester City Council

Residents' Survey

Share your thoughts

We're reviewing how people access our services.

Let us have your feedback on how we use our appointment area at the Eastgate Shopping Centre.

Residents' Survey

Garden Waste

Renew or sign up

You can now sign up or renew your garden waste service.

If you sign up to our garden waste collection this year, you won’t need a sticker on your bin reducing the amount of plastic we produce.

Simply paint your house number on your bin and our crews will do the rest.

Find out more
person smiling laptop

Watch our meetings online

Did you know you can watch council meetings online? Follow our YouTube channel to see how the council makes decisions about improving our city for residents. 

Link to watch our meetings
Purple flag logo

Gloucester is a Purple Flag City

Gloucester hold the Purple Flag National Safety award.

Gloucester’s nightlife wins international award

Air Quality Matters!

We’re reviewing our air quality action plan and reviewing our smoke control area in the city.

We want to hear your suggestions and feedback.


Have Your Say Today