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Gloucester city council is carrying out a public consultation on its Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP). Local authorities are required to review the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) every 5 years. We’re keen to hear people’s views on our suggestions; your voice matters and the feedback you give us will be used to inform the final revised Air Quality Action Plan, pending approval by Cabinet in July 2025. This consultation also is considering the review of the smoke control area within the city.

Your Gloucester main page: Have Your Say Today - Your Gloucester - Commonplace
AQAP About page: Have Your Say Today - About the Air Quality Action Plan - Your Gloucester
AQAP Survey page Have Your Say Today - Air Quality Action Plan Survey - Your Gloucester

This consultation runs from 20 January 2025 to 19 February 2025.

Gloucester city council is carrying out a public consultation on its Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP). Local authorities are required to review the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) every 5 years. We’re keen to hear people’s views on our suggestions; your voice matters and the feedback you give us will be used to inform the final revised Air Quality Action Plan, pending approval by Cabinet in July 2025. This consultation also is considering the review of the smoke control area within the city.

Your Gloucester main page: Have Your Say Today - Your Gloucester - Commonplace
AQAP About page: Have Your Say Today - About the Air Quality Action Plan - Your Gloucester
AQAP Survey page Have Your Say Today - Air Quality Action Plan Survey - Your Gloucester

This consultation runs from 20 January 2025 to 19 February 2025.

Gloucester City Council has included a special policy of Cumulative Impact within its Statement of Licensing Policy since 2005. 

This special policy was introduced by the Council following evidence provided by Gloucestershire Constabulary which at that time demonstrated that the area around Eastgate Street was adversely affected by an increase in crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour due to a large number of licensed premises being concentrated within that area.

In 2021, Members of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee made the decision to continue to include the special policy of Cumulative Impact within its Statement of Licensing Policy following evidence that was presented by Gloucestershire Constabulary and therefore published a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) in accordance with the legislation.

The change from a CIP to a CIA has no practical effect as to how applications are to be dealt with when they are received. The differences are  that there is a requirement that the Council must review the CIA every 3 years, and there must be a full consultation before a CIA can be implemented.

Members of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee in December agreed that an eight week consultation was to take place in order to review the current Cumulative Impact Policy and whether it is still required. 

We are seeking your views on whether there is still a need for a CIP within the area of Eastgate Street.

If it is your view that it is still required then this evidence will then be presented to the Licensing and Enforcement Committee in March for members to make a final decision. If Members agree that it is still needed, then the Council will then have to review its CIA.

Send your comments to licensing@gloucester.gov.uk

The closing date for any comments is 12 February 2025.

Gloucester City Council has included a special policy of Cumulative Impact within its Statement of Licensing Policy since 2005. 

This special policy was introduced by the Council following evidence provided by Gloucestershire Constabulary which at that time demonstrated that the area around Eastgate Street was adversely affected by an increase in crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour due to a large number of licensed premises being concentrated within that area.

In 2021, Members of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee made the decision to continue to include the special policy of Cumulative Impact within its Statement of Licensing Policy following evidence that was presented by Gloucestershire Constabulary and therefore published a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) in accordance with the legislation.

The change from a CIP to a CIA has no practical effect as to how applications are to be dealt with when they are received. The differences are  that there is a requirement that the Council must review the CIA every 3 years, and there must be a full consultation before a CIA can be implemented.

Members of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee in December agreed that an eight week consultation was to take place in order to review the current Cumulative Impact Policy and whether it is still required. 

We are seeking your views on whether there is still a need for a CIP within the area of Eastgate Street.

If it is your view that it is still required then this evidence will then be presented to the Licensing and Enforcement Committee in March for members to make a final decision. If Members agree that it is still needed, then the Council will then have to review its CIA.

Send your comments to licensing@gloucester.gov.uk

The closing date for any comments is 12 February 2025.